Good morning and welcome to Our Daily Walk.
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I remember moving once when I was in my teens. My father was a preacher and we were moving about thirty miles away. On the day of the move we were greeted with about a dozen men and their trucks from the new congregation. In little time our possessions were all loaded up and then we caravanned to what would become our new home. On the way there I remember thinking about how nice it would be to be in that new house. It was empty now, but soon would be full. As we approached that place we were greeted with the sight of many other members as they had gathered to help us unload and to properly greet us at our new home.
The thought of a new home with friends gathered to greet you there is a very pleasant thought indeed.
Beuna Ora Bryant Karnes was the ripe old age of 22 when she finally married in 1911. Considered to be an old maid, some had thought that she would never marry, but she did. Her life was one of hardship and disappointment.
Her husband owned a successful lumber yard, but that was lost when a fire destroyed it. Like so many others at the time, they did not have insurance to cover the loss.
When the great depression hit they had money in three different local banks. But all three banks closed before they could withdraw anything. They had 12 children, most of whom were healthy, but some were not. One died as a child.
Eventually they found themselves willing to do any work just to survive. They would sharecrop, pick cotton do just about anything in order to provide for their family.
In 1937 Beuna’s father was struck and killed by a drunk driver. Then three months later, overcome with grief, her mother also died.
Out of these 26 years of hardship, Beuna Karnes produced the song, “An Empty Mansion.” Listen to the first verse and chorus of this song.
Here I labor and toil as I look for a home,
Just an humble abode among men,
While in heaven a mansion is waiting for me,
And a gentle voice pleading, “Come in.”
There’s a mansion now empty just waiting for me
At the end of life’s troublesome way,
Many friends and dear loved ones will welcome me there
Near the door of that mansion some day.
Jesus spoke of a prepared place for us in John 14:1-3.
Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
The excitement of a new house on earth opens our minds to many possibilities. How will it be filled and decorated? What will our new neighbors be like? How many fond memories will we make in this new place?
And to the Christian the thought of the new heavenly abode opens up our minds to possibilities as well. Our troubles, struggles and problems of this life will be all behind us. Friends and loved ones will be there to welcome us as our Savior beckons us to take up residence there.
It is going to be a wonderful day for everyone. We will have the anticipation of that new home and the promise of an eternal life. Yes, friends, there’s a place prepared for you that is sitting empty today. Are you prepared to take up your residency?
On Our Daily Walk today, may we ask ourselves, “Am I prepared to be a resident of heaven?” If not, why not do so today?
Our thought for the day: “The trials of earth are nothing compared to the triumphs of heaven.”
May God bless you on your daily walk.
© Our Daily Walk, Mike Baker, 2007. Permission is granted to copy these articles provided they are not sold and the author's name and copyright are included.
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