Wednesday, March 28, 2007

All Things Are Possible

This week Justin Morton is the writer/speaker for Our Daily Walk.

Good morning and welcome to our daily walk.

Audio version at

The Israelites were God’s people. He loved them and always took care of them when they needed Him. Yet, there were times when the children of Israel doubted God’s power to take care of them. Numerous times throughout their history we see Israel fail in their trust of God. When faced against what they believed to be the odds, the children of Israel became afraid.

It may seem amazing to us today that they could doubt God and His power. After all, was this not the people who witnessed the waters of the Red Sea part? As they were departing from Egypt and being chased by Pharaoh’s army, God divided the waters so that they were able to pass by on dry ground (Ex. 14:21-22). Can you imagine the amazing sight this must have been to not only the children of Israel but also to the army of Pharaoh? Just picture standing on the edge of the beach and watching the waters begin to roll back and divide in the middle. This had to be one of the most amazing sights the people of Israel had ever seen, at least an unforgettable sight, right?

In Exodus chapter 16 we read how Israel began to grumble and complain in the wilderness that they would die from hunger. They told Moses and Aaron how good they had it in Egypt as slaves. Think about this. These people were rescued from Egyptian bondage. As they were traveling away from Egypt God parted the waters of the Red Sea for His people to cross on dry ground and then released the waters so that the Egyptians drowned. God showed His great power by coming to their rescue before, why are they afraid they will die from hunger. They have God on their side. Jesus said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God” (Mk. 10:27).

The children of Israel should have never worried about dying in the wilderness. They should have trusted in God to take care of their needs, after all, “all things are possible with God.” Many times you and I are just like the people of Israel. Things happen in our lives and we begin to wonder whether or not God is powerful enough to handle those situations. Many times we become scared and fearful and even worry ourselves to the point of becoming sick. Why? Why do we allow this to happen? Every time I begin to worry more and become fearful, I am demonstrating my lack of trust in the ultimate power of God.

Think about it. You and I have more proof than anyone including the children of Israel. We are able to read about all of the marvelous things God has done. Things like the history of Israel in the wilderness and how God provided for His people. We also read about how Jesus used five loaves of bread and two fish to feed a multitude of people (Jn. 6:8-14). We are able to read about how Jesus rose from the grave after three days and appeared to multitudes of people. Everyday that I live I have an opportunity to see the awesome power of God. I am able to view the wonderful world that He has created. I am able to interact with His greatest creation of all, people.

Folks, we have no reason to ever doubt the awesome power of God. Are bad things going to happen in our lives? Yes! Are things going to happen that we do not understand? Yes! Are things going to happen that hurt us and cause us pain? Yes! But God is awesome and mighty in power. No matter what we have to endure in our daily lives, God is able to use His mighty power to use those situations for good (Rom. 8:28).

I believe that Jesus said it best when He said, “But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? Oh, you of little faith” (Matt. 6:30). Jesus tells us that if God takes care of the little things in life, like the birds and such, how much more is He going to care for His children (Matt. 6:25-34).

At times it’s tough. As humans we are unsure about what to expect. We are scared how things are going to turn out. Always remember…”all things are possible with God” even those things that we don’t understand. God is powerful enough to take care of all our needs.

Our thought of the day: “Nothing is too big for my God to accomplish, and nothing is too little for Him to use in accomplishing it.”

May God bless you in your daily walk.

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